For several years, Tsuburaya Productions, a Japanese production company, has been primarily associated with the character ultramanShe announced a desire to expand the franchise by showing some openness to collaborations. And thanks to the extraordinary partnership with Marvel, the company has presented a special miniseries.

In fact, during Anime Expo 2022, the Crossover between Ultraman and some of the House of Ideas' main superheroes. The announcement of this miniseries was also reported on the @Tsuburaya Global Twitter page in the post that you can find at the bottom of the page, where you can already see the participation of heroes of Spider-Man caliber. Iron Man and Captain Marvel, engages a kaiju, with three Ultraman in the background. Following the release of Marvel Comics' new comic book series Ultraman and The Rise of Ultraman, this is the second official crossover involving the universe of the aforementioned superheroes, and according to what was said during the announcement, this could be the case fit into the continuity the adventures of Tony Stark and Peter Parker.

No title has yet been announced for the series, but it has been confirmed that Kyle Higgins and Mat Groom will be part of the production as writers. Finally it was determined how Release period a generic 2023. As usual, let us know what you think about this crossover in the comments section.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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