The anime sequel Seven Deadly Sins will be released in Japan on July 2nd and today, almost two months after the big debut, Author Nakaba Suzuki previewed the design of two antagonists. The two demons will serve Zeldris in the new movie, and the mangaka revealed that he drew them based on the faces of the two speakers.

Comedians Akira Kawashima and Yusuke Inoue put their faces and voices on the new characters, and you can check out the result below. ""I wanted the two antagonists to look like their real counterparts"Manga writer Nakaba Suzuki said:"I draw Mr. Kawashima thinks of a demon with a beautiful voice and Mr. Inoue of a more playful demon. Can't wait to see the end result!".

The Seven Deadly Sins: Cursed by the Light tells the continuation of the adventure of the Seven Deadly Sins immediately after the conclusion of the fourth season, The Seven Deadly Sins: The Judgment of the Dragon, which are currently underway and now nearing their end. Studio Deen returns to take care of animation, with Takayuki Hamana in the direction and Rintarou Ikeda in the script.

And what do you think about it Do you like the design of the two demons? Tell us in the comments! However, for more information on the film, we are leaving you with the latest official trailer for The Seven Deadly Sins: Cursed By Light.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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