During the event TUDUM Japan 2022the platform Netflix announced the production of an anime adaptation of the webtoon, written and illustrated by Tae Jun Park, lookism. The press release revealed the production details and confirmed that it is scheduled to premiere on November 4th on the platform’s global catalogue.
Tae-Jun Park started publishing the webtoon through the service Naver web toon in November 2014. The story revolves around a young student who can switch between two bodies: one fat and unattractive and the other slim and handsome. The play has already inspired an animated adaptation made in China Tencentwhich had 38 episodes and was released in 2019.
production team
- The production takes over the South Korea-based company, Atelier Mir (Dota: Dragon’s Blood, The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf). Although it is produced outside of Japan, it is considered an “anime” because the staff responsible is Japanese.
- The statement said: “The main characters of the original story, redrawn by unique character designers, come to life with dynamic direction and gorgeous effects to deliver an immersive and different episode of the original story.ยป.
Summary of Lookism
Park Hyung Suk has spent the 17 years of his life at the bottom of the food chain. Small, overweight and unattractive, he is used to being bullied and constantly discriminated against by his classmates because of his looks. In an attempt to escape from her biggest stalker, Lee Tae Sung, she decides to transfer to Seoul’s Jae Won High School, a vocational high school known for its liberal education system and carefree students. Days before his move, Hyung Suk wakes up to find that he no longer has his usual chubby body, but a perfect body! Tall, handsome and beautifully toned, Hyung Suk has become the ideal version of himself. The only problem is that his original body is still by his side, and when one body falls asleep, he wakes up in the other. Hyung Suk, who now has two completely different bodies, must learn to navigate his new and much more popular life at J High School while solving the mystery of where his second, almost superhuman body came from.
Font: mantan web
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