Crunchyroll has just released a new trailer for the anime adaptation of The God of High School, the second of the eight original series produced by the streaming site and arriving between 2020 and 2021. The preview, available at the top of the article in Italian , presents Jin Mori, Han Daewi and Yoo Mira, the three protagonists of the series.
Jin Mori is described as a sixteen year old boy passionate about taekwondo, the fighting art taught by his grandfather who made him practically unbeatable. For Jin, nothing is more important than being number one, and his current record is 299 battles, with 297 wins and 2 draws. Han Daewi is a boy who once controlled the Gangnam district in Seoul, forced to work part-time to pay the medical bills of his partner, victim of an incurable disease. Finally, Yoo Mira is the twenty-fifth teacher of the "Moonlight" sword style, looking for a groom who can help her revive her dojo.
The God of High School will debut on Crunchyroll in July. The animations were curated by the guys from Studio MAPPA, while the direction was entrusted to Sunghoo Park. Crunchyroll describes the series as follows: "A high schooler and his friends will compete in an epic tournament by borrowing power directly from the gods and discovering a mysterious organization along the way. Based on the Yongje Park comic". We remind you that the original work has over 450 chapters available.