The Demon Swordmaster of Excalibur Academy (Seiken Gakuin no Makentsukai) is a Japanese light novel written by Yu Shimizu and drawn by Asagi Tosaka. The series was published in 2019 thanks to the publishing house Media Factory and today consists of 10 volumes.
Shimizu and Tosaka, also in 2019, they also began publishing The Demon Sword Master of Excalibur Academy manga in Monthly Shonen Ace Magazine, which is now in its fifth volume. The series has garnered huge success both as a light novel and at-home manga, leading to the studio's announcement of the anime adaptation dedication.
According to a rumor by @SugoiLITE on twitter, New information about The Demon Sword Master of Excalibur Academy anime should be announced later today. So what can we expect? A short film? A key visual? Or simple news about the staff of the Opera?
The Demon Sword Master of Excalibur Academy is a fantasy adventure set in a world where a thousand years after a war between the Six Heroes of Mankind and the Six Dark Lords, in which the latter suffered the worst, one of them died in the body reborn is a 10 year old boy thanks Riselia Ray Cristalia, who accidentally removes the seal from the Dark Lord's rune. The young demon bearer Leoni's death Magnus attends the Excalibur Academy, and so the evil entity begins to understand how the world has changed over the past thousand years.
We leave you to the first trailer of Guild of Depravity and the announcement of the 2023 anime of Shangri-La Frontier.
"The Demon Sword Master of Excalibur Academy" TV Anime first information will follow tomorrow.
- Sugoi LITE (OECUF) (@SugoiLITE) July 23, 2022