On the official website for the anime adaptation of the manga Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai! written and illustrated by Take, the distribution information of their Blu-ray / DVD compilations, which total twelve episodes, will be released on the following dates:
- First volume (episodes 1 to 4) – October 28
- Second volume (episodes 5 to 8) – November 25
- Third volume (episodes 9 to 12) – December 23
Take manga serialization started on website Niconico in December 2017 as part of the brand Dra Dra Sharp. The editorial Kadokawa published the fourth compilation volume during the past month of February.
Cast of voices
- Naomi Oozora like Hana Uzaki.
- Kenji Akabane like Shinichi Sakurai.
- Ayana Taketatsu like Ami Asai.
- Tomoya Takagi like Itsuhito Sakaki.
Production team
Synopsis of Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai!
Shinichi Sakurai only wishes a little peace and silence in his life. but Hana Uzaki (her loud and well-developed kouhai) has other plans. All she wants is to hang out with him and tease him a little. With the help of her charm and insistence, this could be the start of a beautiful relationship!
© 2020 丈 / KADOKAWA / 宇 崎 ち ゃ ん 製作 委員会