Via the official Twitter account for the original anime series directed by Shingo Adachi and produced by the studios A-1 Pictures, Lycoris recoil, it was announced that an in-person event for the franchise will be held on February 11, 2023 at a location in the city of Tokyo to be announced soon. This event counts with the participation of Chika Anzai (voiced by Chisato Nishikigi), Shion Wakayama (voice by Takina Inoue), Ami Koshimizu (voiced by Mizuki Nakahara), misaki kuno (Kurumi’s voice) and many other guests. A special dynamic takes place during this event and important announcements for the series could also be made.
The purchase mechanisms for tickets to this event will be announced very soon, however it has been reported that those who purchase the third compilation volume in Blu-ray/DVD format of the series will have the highest priority in the queue.
The series premiered in Japan on July 2 and had a total of thirteen episodes, while the platform crispy roll took care of the distribution in the West.
Lycoris Recoil Summary
Thanks to the efforts of a syndicate called Direct Attack (DA), the number of terrorist attacks in Japan has never been less. The organization raises orphaned girls as assassins to carry out assassinations as part of their “Lycoris” program. Takina Inoue is an exceptional Lycoris, with a strong will and a penchant for perfection. Unfortunately, her patience is tested in a hostage situation, and the resulting act of disobedience results in her being removed from the DA’s office. He’s not thrilled about losing the only place he belonged, but reluctantly reaches his new home base: LycoReco, a cafe in disguise.
But Takina’s new partner turns out to be very different from what she imagined. Although Chisato Nishikigi is Lycoris’ famous child prodigy, she seems almost unconcerned about her duties. Under the simple pretext of helping people in need, he drags Takina into all sorts of odd jobs. Takina is further stunned when Chisato hunts down a group of armed assailants without killing any of them. Feeling like a fish out of water, Takina is hell-bent on rejoining the DA’s office, but Chisato is determined to show her there’s more to life than just taking it.
Font: Weird Natalie