Written on the official site for the anime adaptation of the novels by Kouko Shirakawa and illustrated by ayuko, Koukyu no Karasu (A raven in the harem) the project’s first promotional video was unveiled. The video confirms that the premiere is slated for next October in Japan and reveals who the characters’ voices will be.
Shirakawa began publishing the novels with illustrations by ayuko (Hakushaku to Yousei) in April 2018. The editor shueisha released the fifth volume in December 2020, followed by the sixth on August 20 in Japan. The literary franchise already has a total circulation of over 900,000 copies, but a manga adaptation has not yet been announced.
voice output
- Saku Mizuno as Jusetsu Ryou.
- Masaaki Mizunaka as Koshun Ka.
- Taku Yashirou like ice egg.
- Marika Kuno like Jiujiu.
production team
- Chizuru Miyawaki (Gintama, Monster, Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamballa) leads the project in the studios Images by Bandai Namco.
- Satomi Ooshima (Gyokou no Nikuko-chan) is responsible for writing and supervising the screenplays.
- Shinji Takeuchi (Gintama, Fairy Tail (2014), Ixion Saga DT) is responsible for character design and animation direction.
- asami tachibana (Haikyuu!!, Darling in the FranXX, Owari no Seraph) is responsible for composing the soundtrack.
Summary of Koukyuu no Karasu
In the depths of the inner palace lives a special consort who, despite her position as consort, does not serve the Emperor. She is known as the Raven Consort. People who have seen her say she looks like an old woman while others say she looks like a young girl. The stories tell of his use of mysterious arts and how he can accept any request, be it killing curses or finding lost things. Koushun, the current emperor, visits the Crow Consort with this intention. Not realizing that their fateful encounter will become a taboo that will turn history upside down.
Source: Weird Natalie