Act-Age was born in 2018 and should be the new spearhead of Weekly Shonen Jump after many mangas ended in 2020. So it wasn’t meant for the events of that summer, as Act-Age due to the arrest of the screenwriter Tatsuya Matsuki.

With all of this a Designer Shiro Usazaki She was unemployed. Act-age fans supported her, hoping she would get back to work quickly, this time with another writer to show off her skills. After a few months of silence, that moment has come.

The first leaks from Weekly Shonen Jump anticipated the authors who will be part of the next issue, and it seems that Shiro Usazaki will be part of the magazine again. In fact, she will be the designer of Engan no Cyclope, translatable as “The Cyclops with the Eye of Fire”, a self-contained chapter, the story of which was written by Osamu Ishikawa.

The short manga will be published in Japan on December 21 in the weekly Shonen Jump 3-4 issue. After the first advances, the story revolves around a lawyer. Usazaki could go back to work on an atypical manga for the magazine, and would do so if it was successful enough Opportunity to return to Weekly Shonen Jump with a regular series in 2021.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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