Super Dragon Ball Heroes has crowned the dreams of fans of the franchise by bringing back the Super Saiyan 4, historical opponents, or by giving surprising transformations to the various protagonists. But with the debut of Broly, the new episode of the commercials went even further.

Finally canon with the release of the latest movie in the franchise, Broly is about to get back into action even in the anime. Despite all expectations, the legendary Super Saiyan will not debut in the regular animated series, but in Super Dragon Ball Heroes, the non-canonical spin-off from the video game of the same name.

Since the first episode, the commercial has been satisfying fan service by bringing numerous villains and heroes back into action who otherwise wouldn’t have had a chance to return to the main series. But the new episode promises one of more exciting and intense battles ever.

On his Twitter profile, user Dragon Ball Chronicles shared a trailer dedicated to the anime’s next story arc, a saga that introduces a new creepy threat. If Broly is in itself one of the most dangerous warriors and brutal of the universe, with this new transformation it will be relentless for every challenger.

In the short video we can actually see Broly getting thereo Super Saiyan 4 Limit Braker Stadium, Transformation that we could already admire from Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta. Who will have the courage to oppose him? Are you fascinated by this new shape? In Super Dragon Ball Heroes, Goku could become a high priest. Let’s find out the top five non-canonical transformations from Super Dragon Ball Heroes.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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