The new story arc of Super Dragon Ball HeroesThe “space-time war arc” began with a bang that caused Goku to wake up in a mysterious universe and battle two historical antagonists who, despite the apparent family rivalry, have teamed up against the Saiyan. But Goku is not alone either!

In the first installment of this new saga from the non-canon spin-off, Goku woke up in the universe created by the vicious mad scientist Fu. In this new world, parallel to that of Universe 7, the Saiyan had to protect himself immediately from attacks Freeza and his brother Coolaagain hampered by the sudden return of the heart.

These four fighters, however You are not the only one to be awakened in this occult place. You will soon be accompanied by protagonists of the Cell, Gohan, Bojack or Turles caliber. Indeed, one of the strengths of this animated commercial is precisely its ability to provide healthy fan service to the audience.

Twitter user DBS Chronicles waited to meet all of these warriors and shared them Biography of some of them. After meeting the masked Saiyan and the black warrior from Super Dragon Ball Heroes, here is the official description of Goku, Vegeta, Golden Freeza, Golden Metal Cooler, Broly and Hearts.

“”Brought into the pseudo-universe of Fu. When he tries to escape, he is drawn into battle. “reads Goku’s biography. As for Vegeta, however, the description is: “Also brought into the pseudo-universe. Where it is is a mystery “.

Based on that of Freeza, here are the biographies of the two brothers. “He doesn’t care about Fu’s plan, but if he meets Goku he’ll go on offensive mode.” “Freeza’s older brother. After the battle on the prison planet he underwent a remodel and defeated Cumber with a power-up. He has worked with Fu ever since and has reunited with his brother in the pseudo-universe. He wants to. Kill Goku.” his younger brother“.

Broly’s biography, however, says: “After the clash with Vegetto, he found himself in the rift of time in the pseudo-universe. After numerous fights with Goku and the time patrol, he has received incredible power-ups that he wants to test with the warrior in black“. Here at last that of the heart.”A warrior who hates the gods. He was defeated by Goku and Vegeta. He was brought back from Hell by a demon god, but what is the reason for this event? “

The Dark Dragon Balls are back in the new Super Dragon Ball Heroes saga.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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