The ambitious advertising series Super Dragon Ball Heroes is known among fans for introducing entirely new characters and transformations. Throughout the anime, there are multiple protagonists who achieve Super Saiyan 4, receive Divine Ki, or receive other power-ups. But there are five in particular that have caught the eye.
Xeno Trunks, not to be confused with the Trunks of the future, is the real protagonist of the video game that inspired the commercial anime. As a member of the Time Patrol, Vegeta’s son ensures that the timeline is not changed by evil characters. During a fight with Mechibakura and Fin, Xeno Trunks reaches the Super Saiyan God thanks to the contribution of fallen comrades. This transformation wowed audiences who already hoped in Dragon Ball Super that Future Trunks would achieve this state.
During the battle with the mighty hearts, the Xeno warriors are only saved by the sensational return of Goku with the clothes of the high priest. Thanks to training with the latter, the Saiyan completely masters the mental state of ultra-instinct, eliminating the servants of the dangerous antagonist.
One of the first villains of Dragon Ball Heroes is the masked Saiyan, a mysterious being under the control of Towa and Mira. This character even manages to embarrass Xeno Trunks, who however manages to overwhelm him and reveal his true identity. Under the mask is Bardock, Goku’s father. Free from Towa’s control, Xeno Bardock joins Xeno Trunks to fight his former masters. During the series, we can admire other masked Saiyans, including King Vegeta and Dark Broly.
One of the main drawbacks of Dragon Ball GT is that it didn’t offer us any Adult version of Gotenks, Fusion of Goths and Trunks. This is fixed by Dragon Ball Heroes, where Xeno Trunks and Xeno Goten merge to defeat Baby Hatchiyack.
In both video game and anime, fans could appreciate the return of Super Saiyan 4, one of the most popular forms. Besides the versions Limit Breaker by Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta, other characters like Broly, Baddack and Gohan also manage to reach Super Saiyan 4. What is your favorite transformation? In the meantime, let’s discover Super Dragon Ball Heroes’ flaws. Gogeta and Vegetto clashed in the festive episode of Super Dragon Ball Heroes.