The new episode of Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Big Bang Mission, the seventh, is finally available. The cornerstone of the promotional anime episode of the video game of the same name is the return of fusion through the Potara earrings.
In the second season of Super Dragon Ball, Heroes implemented Fu a diabolical plan give life to the seed of the universe. To achieve his goals, the evil scientist uses Cumber's extraordinary aura. But in the seventh episode of the series, it seems to have been Goku and Vegeta infected with "berserk" energy of the mad Saiyan.
Clouded in rage, the two heroes rush towards Fu, but in this state they cannot even touch him. Fortunately, Goku and Vegeta are regaining clarity and pull the Potara earrings out of their sheath Bring Vegetto Super Saiyan Blue to life. Previously, the reopening of Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Big Bang Mission had anticipated the impressive new tech.
Since the first episode, Super Dragon Ball Heroes has won over fans by introducing elements from the main series They could never see the light. In this work we remember that we can admire Vegeta Super Saiyan 3, Mirai Trunks Super Saiyan God and the return of ancient antagonists like the Super C-17 featured in the promo of the seventh episode of Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Big Bang mission. Have you seen the episode yet? Let us know what you think.