With the arrival of Episode 12 of Super Dragon Ball Heroes, the commercial anime has finally started the new story arc, a saga in which Goku suddenly finds himself in a mysterious universe.

The first episode of the “space-time war arc” led Goku to find himself trapped in a new universein which it is immediately undermined by the return of some historical antagonists. Freeza and Coola seem to be chasing him, who in turn are hindered by Hearts and take the side of his former rival. However, it was Future Trunks that kept the fans in suspense.

Mirai Trunks communicates telekinetically and warns Goku that the universe he woke up in is and universe 7 somehow connected. When an energetic sphere directed towards the Saiyan dissolves a building, the same building in Universe 7 is destroyed for no apparent reason. The diabolical machinations of the mad scientist Fu led to the fact that the two universes were united by a strange “connection”.

As the new key visual of Super Dragon Ball Heroes anticipates, this universe will be the site of a violent battle involving some of the most powerful antagonists of all time. Struggle could therefore indirectly lead to it Destruction of the Universe 7 and Goku has to take this into account when facing his opponents.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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