Through the saga of Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Big Bang mission The franchise company is trying to propose new cards to increase the popularity of the work, including through unpublished characters and completely new transformations. In this regard, we may soon get to know a new variant of Vegetto.
Episode 6 of the animated adaptation of the video game of the same name, whose debut is scheduled for August 27, shows the full power of the new power-up for Super Saiyan 4 or "SS4 Limit Breaker Ritual"characterized by an aura closer to the divine sphere. This new transformation seems to be the next trump card of TOEI animation and the franchise to propose unprecedented upgrades. Speaking of news: In the final chapter of the manga Super Dragon Ball Heroes, a new villain was introduced, which is characterized by the presence of a halo.
In any event, during an event dedicated to the brand, an advertising image was shown to the public in the last few hours that you can admire at the end of the news portrays a mysterious figure with the SS4 Limit Breaker Ritual. The fans immediately started speculating about the identity of the topic and found some strong similarities in Vegeth, although the possibility that it can be Gogeta.
And on the other hand, who do you think is this new character? As usual, let us know your thoughts on this with a comment below.
Super Saiyan 4 Vegito Limit broken? SD # SDBH BM5
- SUPER @ ロ ニ ク ル (@DBSChronicles) August 5, 2020