Hayao Miyazaki he retired several years ago, leaving Studio Ghibli an orphan of its most important element. Then came the back of the Japanese producer and animator who focused among other things on making new films. One of these is How do you Live, announced for several years now and with a slow production.
After three years of work, How do you Live has only 35 minutes of video ready. The announcement made a few days ago therefore confirmed the slow pace that last year had led to say that the work of Studio Ghibli was 15% ready. Despite this confirming that it will still take some time before seeing the new story of the studio in the cinema, new details about the production arrive.
With How do you Live will join the staff of the Ghibli Goro Miyazaki studio, son of the famous Hayao. Goro is not new to the world of animation since he has already directed anime like The Tales of Terramare is The Hill of Poppies. In 2014, however, the director dealt with an animated series co-produced by Studio Ghibli and Polygon Pictures, entitled Sanzoku no Musume Ronya.
The story of How do you Live it is based on the homonymous children’s book of 1937 and which last year was also transposed into manga. In the story, a high school student has to deal with his father’s death and move to his uncle’s house.