Star Comics communicated, a few moments ago, that starting tomorrow May 22, 2020 a series of weekly live streams "dedicated to restarting after the lockdown" will be broadcast. This direct series is called #ReStarT and the first guest will be Gianluca Iacono, famous Italian voice actor and voice of the Saiyan prince.

The actor and voice actor will answer fan questions live on Instagram, starting at 18:00 tomorrow. The publisher's Facebook profile sponsored the event through the post visible at the bottom, not confirming the duration of the live events. The names of the next guests will be revealed over the next few weeks.

Editions Star Comics has gone through a dark period in recent months, like many other publishers. Among the many postponements and some delays dictated by the health emergency, many comic book distributors have struggled to keep their business up and running, even if with the advent of "Phase 2" things have finally started to turn in the right direction.

And what do you think of it? Will you follow the live shows? Let us know with a comment! In case you are interested in other Star Comics nvoities instead, we suggest you take a look at the highly anticipated manga yaoi Kimi Wa Natsu No Naka and the new Mob Psycho spin-off focused on Reigen.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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