The anime of Spy x family continues to gather recognition with each new episode that is released. The community loves the loving and mysterious Forger family and has nominated Yor for the title of Best Mom of the Season given what happened during the sixth part of the series. Let’s find out the reason behind this fandom’s decision.

In Spy x Family 1×06, the counterfeiters are making the final preparations for the Anya’s first day of school. Loid and Yor go into a tailor shop where a uniform is made by hand and are warned: the students of Eden College, the most prestigious school in all of Ostania, are being targeted by thieves and criminals.

Shortly after this discovery, which shocks Anya, Loid has to leave for urgent business matters. Mom Yor and Anya are left alone. After taking the little girl to the park where she shows off her beautiful uniform, Yor decides to prepare dinner to show off her mothering skills. However, she is distracted while shopping, allowing Anya to escape just enough for an awkward inconvenience.

The little forger is coming kidnapped by criminals the street that they had noticed Eden’s haughty uniform. But when they threaten Anya, Yor already appears behind them. Furious in a way we’ve never seen before, she urges the kidnappers to let her daughter go: for a moment, the Princess of Thorns reveals herself and the thieves are horrified and put to flight.

This rescue of Yor not only fell in love with Anya, who now wants to become like her mother, but also with the entire fandom. After the drunken Yor from Spy x Family 1×05, it is the angry Yor who conquers the public: according to her, she is the best mom in the world of anime?

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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