Written and illustrated by the animated adaptation of the manga via the Twitter account Hajime isayama, Shingeki no KyojinA special illustration was posted to commemorate the airing of the second episode for the anime’s final season. This drawing was illustrated by Park Dae-Yeo, a drawing director who is part of the series’ production team.

This final season premiered in Japan on December 7th and was confirmed with a total of 16 episodes that will air continuously. Platforms Crunchyroll and Funimation You are responsible for distributing the series in Latin America, with the second also offering dubbing in Latin Spanish, although this is limited to Mexico and Brazil.

Isayama began publishing the manga in the magazine Bessatsu Shonen magazine from the publisher Kodansha The publisher published the thirty-first compilation volume on April 9 and the thirty-second on September 9.

Shingeki no Kyojin

Production team

  • Yuichiro Hayashi ((Dorohedoro, Kakegurui) is responsible for directing the anime in the studios MAPPA.
  • Hiroshi seko ((Ajin, Vinland Saga, Mob Psycho 100) will be responsible for writing and monitoring the scripts.
  • Tomohiro Kishi ((Dorohedoro, 91 days) is responsible for the character design.
  • Hiroyuki Sawano will be responsible for the composition of the soundtrack together Kohta Yamamoto ((Ao no exorcist: Kyoto Saga).
  • The opening theme is performed by the Japanese band Shinsei Kamattechan ((Opening of Denpa Onna for Seishun Otoko, Shingeki no Kyojin season 2 ends) and is entitled “My Last War”. The final theme is performed by the Japanese singer Yuuko andou ((No previous investments) and is entitled “Shock”.

Summary by Shingeki no Kyojin

A century ago humans were threatened with extinction when an unbeatable and terrifying enemy appeared: the titans, gigantic monsters that devoured much of humanity and forced the few survivors to lock themselves behind high walls. Behind these walls stands Eren Jaeger, a boy who dreams of crossing them to see the outside world and who lives his everyday life with his parents, his adoptive sister Mikasa Ackerman and his friend Armin Arlert.

One fateful day, however, humanity remembers its fate once again when a gigantic 60-meter titan appears in front of the first row of walls, protecting people from their most fearsome enemy. So Eren, Mikasa and Armin lose their home and all hope, while our protagonist takes an oath: His goal in life will be to destroy all titans. Thus begins a story of survival and war in which its characters must solve the mystery behind the existence of these terrifying beings.

Source: official page

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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