After a first animated adaptation in 2001 Shaman King is about to make a comeback with a new series. New cast members and the return of some characters are revealed here.
Hiroyuki Takei's manga received an initial adaptation of 64 episodes with an original ending due to the ongoing draft of the manga work. Finally the story can be fully customized thanks to the new restart. An incredible feature of the new project, which is expected to be released from April 2021, is that Presence of some historical speakers they played in the role of characters twenty years ago.
Previously, some members of the cast of Shaman King had been confirmed and it is currently being announced via the official Twitter profile that the interpretation of Tamao Tamamura is entrusted again Nana Mizuki. There is also another confirmation of the presence of Ponchi and Konchi However, this is voiced by Takumu Miyazono and Noriaki Kanze, replacing the previous voices of Kenyuu Horiuchi and Tsutomu Kashiwakura.
The two additions will then attend along with the dubbing team other new items like that of Yoko Hikasa in the role of Yoh Asakura, Megumi Nakajima in those of Kororo, Tooru Sakurai for the interpretation of Lee Pailong and Kousuke Takaguchi as Bason.
Finally, I remember a trailer and some pictures for the new Shaman King anime were released.
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: 村 た ま : : # 水 樹 奈 々
ポ ン チ : # 宮 園 拓 夢
コ ン チ : # 観 世 智 顕
Ps HP! は キ ャ ス ト コ.ン ト も 掲 載! https: // AM SHAMAN KING @ プ ロ) ェ ク @ (@SHAMANKING_PR) January 20, 2021