We saw the new poster dedicated to the Shaman King Bridge studio shared the songs with the many fans of the anime that we can hear during the opening and closing themes of the show.
At the bottom of the news you will find the two tweets shared by the official report of the animated series, which includes the songs introducing and closing the expected episodes of the series Remake of Shaman King. The opening song is entitled “Soul salvation“and was interpreted by Megumi Hayashibara, an artist who also wrote the lyrics for the song, while the music is the work of Takahashi Gou Story of Yoh Asakura instead they end with another piece entitled “#Bokunoyubisaki“in which the voice of the same singer of the opening song is present while the composition was entrusted to Yoda Takeru. The two messages were very successful, both songs were actually listened to by more than 100,000 users who shared their satisfaction on the famous social platform .
As you could read in previous news, the first season of Shaman King will be available on Netflix in 2021 while it is in Japan The first episode has already been broadcast of the remake produced by Bridge Studio.
ト ノ ン ク レ ジ ッ ト OP 映像 解禁!】
– SHAMAN KING (@ SHAMANKING_PR) March 31, 2021
第 1 廻 の 放送 に 先 先 駆 け て
『SHAMAN KING』 ノ ン ク レ ジ ッ ト ト ー ー ニ ン ン グ グ 映像 を 公開!
TV 第 ニ メ 第 1 廻 は 、 い よ い よ 日 月 4 月 1 日 よ り 放送 開始!
📺 テ レ ビ 東京 系 に に 方 方 5 時 55 分 か ら
📺BS テ レ 東 に て 深夜 0 時 30 分 か ら#SHAMANKING
▼ YouTube ▼ https: //t.co/DeOTckKePk pic.twitter.com/MQ11XLepsg
【ノ ン ク レ ジ ッ ト エ ン デ ィ ィ グ 映像 解禁!】
AM 1 廻 AM AM を 記念 し て AM SHAMAN KING 』ノ ノ ク レ ジ ッ ッ エ ン ン ィ ン グ 映像 映像 を
林 原 め ぐ み さ ん が 歌 う エ ン デ ィ ン グ テ ー マ 「# ボ ク ノ ユ ビ サ サ」を ア ニ メ 映像 と 共 に お 楽 し し く だ さ い。#SHAMANKING
▼ YouTube ▼ https: //t.co/JZF0qsBe7S pic.twitter.com/kFzGsX5sCa