On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga, written and illustrated by Bkub Okawa, Pop Team Epic (Poputepipikku) a new promotional image was released for the second season of the project. The press release also keeps the release date planned for next October in Japan.
The slogan of the advertising image reads: "This is a story of hopes and dreams (pure bullshit)Β». The statement also reported that a temporary product store titled "Pop Team Epic pop-up shopβ in the shopping complex Shibuya Marui on August 11th, which will include a variety of new products.
The series is based on a Yonkoma manga (four-part) written and illustrated by Bkub Okawa and originally aired in the season of Winter 2018 (January-March) in a 30 minute block. The episodes are divided into two parts, both of which are practically the same, but the voice actors change in each broadcast.
production team
- June Aoki (Gal to Kyouryuu, Ore, Tsushima) is responsible for directing the anime at the studios Space Neko Company in cooperation with studios Kamikaze Douga. He is also responsible for writing and supervising the scripts.
- Gin (BUSTED ROSE) is responsible for the composition of the soundtrack and counts on the production of King Records.
Synopsis for Pop Team Epic
Poputepipikku brings the wacky comedy up to par with its pop culture references and surreal hilarity. Featuring two true-to-life high school protagonists - Popuko, small and extraordinarily quick to anger, and Pipimi, tall and unflappably calm - they're throwing genres against the wall and don't wait to see what sticks. The parody is interwoven with the drama, the action, the grittiness, and the overarching goal of the series: to become a true anime.
Font: Weird Natalie