The more than twenty-year narrative universe of Pokemon has always introduced new types of pocket monsters, new regions and numerous characters who have joined the extraordinary adventure of Ash Ketchum. Among these, the Pokémon Professors have played a pretty important role, which is somehow related to their names.
Thinking back to the first historical Pokémon anime series, young Ash would never have started his journey if he hadn't been given the Pikachu Professor Oak from Pallet Town. This reminder underscores how the professors are, in every way, the fundamental mentors to introduce beginners to study, society, and most importantly, the care of Pokémon.
In a world filled with violent Trainers, criminal organizations, and people who view Pokémon as slaves or objects, the figures of professors, men and women who have devoted their lives to study and discovery of all Pokémon species, they represent a glimmer of positivity and hope. This ties directly to the names the writers chose for these characters.
In many cultures, trees are symbols of knowledge, prosperity and life. Just think of Yggdrasil from Norse mythology and the biblical tree of life to understand how important they are. Similar in Pokémon Professor Samuel Oak, literally oak, perfectly represents the values of perseverance and wisdom, who was a great coach himself in his youth. His cousin, Samson Oak, is probably related to the golden oak, appears friendly and always willing to help others.
In Hawaiian mythology, the Kukui tree, from which Professor Ash on the Alola Archipelago takes his name, is considered a symbol of Enlightenment, wisdom, energy and peace, a number of positive aspects that Kukui tries to convey to his students. Speaking in place of Professor Magnolia, who was met in the Galar region, she is described as a great scholar of the Pokémon world, a lover of nature, and endowed with a great needle of souls, all values passed down to her niece, Sonia.
If we've been talking about positive numbers so far, let's analyze a single case that comes from the special The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon, namely Professor Yung. At first, Yung appears as a normal scholar, then later come to define portable creatures as weak and even kill specimens to achieve his true goal: conquering the world. Yung's name is essentially derived from the psychologist Carl Yung, who in the "Tree of Life" chapter of his Red Book contemplates good and evil by referring to the biblical tree.
Finally, we remind you that three new Pokémon Funko Pops are coming and we leave you with the incredible Studio Ghibli-style video of Pokémon Arceus Legends made by fans.