in the Pokémon Journeys, after defeating Sinnoh Champion Camilla, Ash made it to the final faceoff. The title of Pokemon Journeys 1221 has already been announced, but what will happen in the final episode has yet to be discovered.

Pokémon Journeys sees the final act of the championship at the moment. In the latest episode, 1220, Ash Ketchum was taken by surprise when he learned the secret strategy of Dendel, the world’s most powerful Pokémon trainer.

After arguing with Ash for a long time, I saw him make his way through the ranks of the World Coronation TournamentHer fans are stomping with curiosity as to whether their hero will become the new world champion. But that’s a lot easier said than done, as the fight against Dendel turned out to be his most grueling fight in the entire franchise.

dendel He uses unpredictable strategies and his Pokémon are highly trained. In the latest appointment with Pokemon Journeys, we see that Ash thinks he’s bridging the gap between the two, but surprisingly, Dendel has revealed that the game’s progression is following his predictions. In fact, Ash’s remaining Pokémon, albeit outnumbered, are already very tired.

What do you think of the Dendel’s strategy against the coach originally from Biancavilla?

The latest episode of Journeys isn’t the only reason to wait for fans of the franchise. The new Video game incarnations, come! We talked about it in our Pokemon Scarlet and Violet preview.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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