Pokémon exploration is a series that offers pleasant surprises to fans of the legendary saga dedicated to monsters. In fact, employees questioned historical characters of the franchise in an attempt to add linearity to a work filled with seasons. The last episode will see a resounding return in this regard.

Over the past few days there has been talk of the new promotional teaser for Pokémon Explorations, where the brief dialogue between the parties confirmed that Ash remembers Mewtwo. The new series therefore reaffirms the canonicity of Mewtwo returns, Short film about the mighty legendary. In addition, the Summary of episode 46, is expected to debut on November 20th, which follows:

"The psychic energy attributed to Mew has been confirmed in the distant seas of the island of Cello. Ash and Goh, enthusiastic about the idea, therefore decide to investigate. Thanks to the help, the two set off through the enemy Surroundings the island of their Pokémon in search of Mew. Once they arrive at their destination, their meeting will be different from expectations. There is no Mew, but Mewtwo! A battle with Ash and Goh's "Dreams" begins now!

Next week's episode seems to herald big surprises and a breathtaking battle. Let's make the wait for episode 46 debut easier with these creepy Pokémon illustrations. As for you, what do you expect from the new episode instead? Let us know with a comment below.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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