Pokémon exploration He is about to make a difficult and rather ambiguous decision, namely the alleged development of Pikachu to Raichou, as can be seen from the official summary of the next episode. But will it be true? Let’s wait to find out and together let’s see how fans react to the plot of the episode.

Although there are serious doubts about the real feasibility of developing PikachuAs the symbol and mascot of an entire franchise, there’s no denying that this risky move adds a bit of charm as it would significantly change and renew the structure of a rare brand. In any case, the internet community has obviously voiced its opinion on this issue, between those who really hope so and those who, on the other hand, see the choice of production as a trivial marketing move.

And if so, then Pokémon Exploration would have hit the bull’s eye given the crowd the news mobilized. However, by the end of the news, you can see some of the fan reaction. We also take this opportunity to invite you to express your opinion in the area reserved for comments.

Before you say goodbye, we recommend finding the latest leak in the anime that promises a new Pokémon for Go. Curious to find out who it is?

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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