The 20+ year adventure of Ash Ketchum, a young trainer who left the small town of Biancavilla in the Kanto region and became a world champion Pokemonis now nearing completion. The announcement of the end of Ash's journey shocked fans, including his American voice actress, who wanted to share a message.
Veronica Taylor has voiced Ash for many years, and as soon as he learned the news that the Pokémon anime will continue in the Paldea region, introduced in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet but with two new protagonists, he wanted to share his reaction with fans. In the post reported at the bottom of the page, the voice actress expresses the deep surprise she felt at the announcement of Ash's permanent retirement from the main character role Now he has great affectionand points out that he never really thought about the end of his coaching journey.
Then drawing attention to the reboot of the Pokémon anime with Liko and Roy, Veronica claims to have Taylor take a minute to process Ash's departure. And how did you take the news of the end of the adventure of Ketchum and his trusty Pikachu? Are you interested in seeing how the series will continue to develop? Tell us in the comments. Finally, a theory about Liko's true identity and a nice Misty cosplay straight from the first Pokemon series.
This announcement really surprised me. I'm filled with so many emotions... I guess I never thought Ash's journey would end. I need a minute to process...
(This fresh start looks very nice.)— Veronica Taylor (@TheVeronicaT) December 16, 2022