After a long wait, Sony has finally dissolved the reservations showing the whole world the appearance of the new console of the Japanese house, PlayStation 5. On the net, of course, the entire nerdy culture has been mobilized to pay homage to the PS5 with ingenious manifestations of creativity, one of which with an anime feel.

The design of the PS5 has finally shown itself, albeit enjoying conflicting opinions from the public. However, we refer you to our first impressions of the appearance of PlayStation 5 to learn more about the latest arrival at home Sony.

As we told you a moment ago, in the last few hours thousands of fans of nerdy culture have poured all their creativity on the web, transforming the new console in the most disparate and fun ways. A fan, of course Mechamania, he tried to imagine the PS5 as a gorgeous anime girl. The result in question, which you can admire in the illustration attached at the bottom of the news, borrowed the features of the console hardware and combined them with some of the iconic characteristics of the Japanese animation characters.

The artistic representation has met with extraordinary success, earning in just 12 hours the monstrous figure of almost 150 thousand manifestations of appreciation. Some fans have already thought of nickname the new heroine through the affectionate name of SS5-chan. And you, however, what do you think of this illustration, do you like it? Let us know with a comment below.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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