Via the official Twitter account for the anime adaptation of the manga, written and illustrated by Daisuke Hiyama, Peter Grill at Kenja no Jikan (Peter Grill and the time of the philosophers) the first promotional image for the second season of the series was released. This sequel is titled Peter Grill to Kenja no Jikan: Super Extra and will be released at a later date to be announced.

Peter Grill at Kenja no Jikan

In addition, it became known that the voice actresses Kana Yuki Y Shiori Isawa You will join the cast of the series to play the characters Frutalia Eldriel and Mithlim Netherlant respectively.

voice output

  • Hiro Shimono Like Peter Grill.
  • Yui Ninomiya as Leveria Sanctus.
  • Ayana Taketatsu like Mimi Alpacas.
  • Hibiku Yamamura like Lisa Alpacas.
  • akari uehara as a vegan Eldriel.
  • Sayaka Senbongi as Pigrit Pancetta.

production team

  • Tatsumi is responsible for directing the anime in the studios Wolf’s Bane in collaboration with the studio seven.
  • Nora Mori takes care of the compilation of the series.
  • Kou Kawarajima is responsible for character design.

Hiyama started publishing the manga in the magazine Monthly promotion from the publisher Futabasha in August 2017. The publisher published the ninth anthology in November 2021. The first season with twelve episodes produced by the studios Wolf’s BaneLed by Tatsumi and scripts written by Nora MoriPremiere during the summer season 2020 (July-September).

Summary for Peter Grill at Kenja no Jikan

With the title of World’s Strongest Warrior, Peter Grill has finally proven his worth and is ready to take the hand of his beloved elder, the beautiful and innocent Luvelia Sanctos. Despite some objections from his father, Peter hopes for a healthy relationship with her. Unfortunately, that dream is quickly shattered when news of her great victory spreads among women of other races – ogres, orcs, elves, and others – some of whom even vie for their seed to produce offspring blessed with her power. In order not to betray the trust of his beloved Luvelia and not to cause a scandal, Pedro tries to avoid the lewd advances of other women. However, pulling off such a feat with so many seductive women on your trail is easier said than done.

Source: Official site

©檜山大輔/双葉社・「ピーター・グリルと賢者の時間 SE」製作委員会

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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