As previously reported, the franchise is based on the manga written by ONE and illustrated by Yusuke Murata, One punch man, issued a press release confirming production of a third season of the anime adaptation. The statement didn't reveal any production details or a planned release date, but included a picture of chikashi kubotaresponsible for the character design.

One punch man

ONE began independent publication of the manga in 2009 and later Yusuke Murata started publishing as a manga on the service Tonari no Young Jump from the publisher shueisha in June 2012. The play inspired a twelve episode anime adaptation produced by Studios crazy house and premiered in October 2015, followed by a twelve-episode second season produced by the studios JCSTAFF and published in April 2019.

Synopsis for One Punch Man

Seemingly ordinary and unassuming, Saitama has a rather unique hobby: being a hero. To achieve his childhood dream, he trained tirelessly for three years and lost all his hair in the process. Now Saitama is incredibly powerful, so much so that no enemy can defeat him in battle. He is so powerful that he only needs to take one hit to defeat his enemies, which has made him lose the thrill of battle and become quite boring.

All of that changes with the arrival of Genos, a 19-year-old cyborg who aspires to become Saitama's apprentice after seeing what he's capable of. Genos suggests that the two join the Hero Association to become certified heroes, recognized for their positive contributions to society, and Saitama, surprised no one knows who he is, quickly agrees. And so begins the story of One Punch Man, an action-comedy that follows an eccentric individual who longs to fight strong enemies who can hopefully give him the thrill he once felt, and maybe he will popular.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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