Not too long ago, Sony Pictures announced a live action adaptation of One blow man. The message was warmly welcomed by fans of the opera, as it was aware of the fact that various Japanese productions in the past have not received ideal treatment in their transpositions.
A parodic film has been released in recent weekswho sees Saitama in one of the most difficult challenges of his superhero career: catching a fly. The video obviously refers to the sequence in the first chapters of the manga that Saitama first met Genos after clashing with Mosquito Girl.
The cyborg, enchanted by Saitama’s boundless power, asks him to be trained to reach a similar level. This is how their friendship developed, which is one of the most successful interactions of the whole ONE letter.
One-Punch Man is available both in paper version, beautifully designed by Yusuke Murata, and in animated form. The anime adaptation was first made by Madhouse and then by J.C Staff, with the second season, which received several criticisms due to a not really careful technical healing.
A third season has not yet been officially announced, but given the popularity of the opera, there shouldn’t be a problem.
Some artworks published on the Internet showed the background story of the finale of the second season of One-Punch-Man. The artist Dragon Garow Lee ironed the announcement of the one-punch man live action with a beautiful sketch.