The serialization years of ONE PIECE They've already surpassed 25, and Eiichiro Oda's masterpiece is currently the longest-running title yet to be released on Weekly Shonen Jump. However, over the years, the workload has multiplied to such an extent that actual expenses have gradually decreased.
As announced by the publisher, No chapter of ONE PIECE will be released this Sunday due to Weekly Shonen Jump's hiatus, which will also impose a brief halt on all other manga appearing in the magazine. 2022 was an important year for Eiichiro Oda's series as he wrapped up the series Saga of Wano and similarly ushered in the final story arc.
In any case, over the years the number of annual chapters has decreased in parallel with the increase in workload at the expense of the author, who has had to take a break every 2-3 consecutive publications for quite some time. At the bottom of the news, you can check out the graphic made by a fan keeping track annual releases of ONE PIECE since 1997. The iconography shows a more or less constant decline in the number of chapters actually published, but the volume of publications still allowed the Sensei to take pauses without unduly slowing the pace of the narrative.
And you, on the other hand, what do you think of this decline given the data? As usual, let us know by leaving a comment in the appropriate box below.