L’Anime by ONE PIECE He has now entered the final stages of the Wano saga. While Onigashima Castle burns down due to the Kurozumi clan’s latest show, the final battles between Mugiwara and the Hundred Beasts Pirates are still in full swing.

When Law and Kidd launch a counteroffensive against Big Mom in ONE PIECE 1056, the latest installment is the TOEI animation series completely changes the scene, leaving the question with the empress pending.

L’Episode 1057 of ONE PIECE begins with Apoo proposing an alliance to Drake. Once Luffy defeats Kaido, the two will target him to defeat him and win the fight against Wano. However, Drake refuses and attacks whoever betrayed Kidd. Just as the confrontation between the two heats up, Yamato appears trying to get to the explosives hidden on the lower floors. While Yamato is on the run, Apoo goes in search. At the same time, Brook and Robin escape the CP0 agents.

The focus of the episode is the moral issue plaguing Sanji. Gambanera is so deep in thought that he escapes the fight with Queen. However, his genes’ awakening leads him to hurt an innocent geisha. This leads him to confront himself. Would Luffy prefer him as a helpless human or as a ruthless and unrelenting soldier? In reply, Sanji destroys the German 66’s raid suit and calling Zoro makes him promise to kill him if he loses his mind. We will only find out if this will really happen when ONE PIECE 1058 is released.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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