Chapter 1044 of ONE PIECE was certainly important, perhaps the most important of recent years. That Power-up received from Luffy and the mystery of the Devil Fruit shocked everyone, but Eiichiro Oda decided to postpone the necessary explanations until after the clash with Kaido, who was still alive at the time.
But with ONE PIECE 1049 the era of Kaido ended: the protagonist used his giant fist and managed to withstand the flames generated by the Emperor, punching him in the face and throwing him to the ground in Wano. Onigashima is therefore safe as Momonosuke managed to create clouds of fire that allowed the island with the skull to fall slowly and in a controlled manner. Kaido appears to be unconscious, Luffy also loses his power. And now?
What will happen in ONE PIECE 1050? First of all we have to focus on the protagonist who, in the last cartoon of the last chapter, fell exhausted into the void, perhaps also due to the powerful flames that emanated from Kaido. The latter’s flashback was there, although it didn’t last long, and it’s difficult that Oda now decides to insert another one. With the water reaching every corner of Onigashima, it also seems unlikely that further rescue efforts will be needed.
Ergo, in ONE PIECE 1050, a few small knots need to be untied, leading to the Mugiwara partying with the rest of Wano. So there will be a lot of chatter, little action – unless a surprise return of a protagonist who seems unlikely at the moment – and therefore it will be a transitional chapter. ONE PIECE 1050 will be released on MangaPlus on Sunday, May 29 at 5 p.m.