Between the pages of ONE PIECE continues one of the most incredible clashes readers have ever experienced, showing numerous powerful techniques as well as implementing an ingenious plan to simplify our struggle. Let’s dwell on that in more detail.

While inside Onigashima Numerous battles take place. On the roof of the island, the alliance of Luffy, Zoro, Law, Kidd and Killer wants to defeat the two emperors Kaido and Big Mom, theirs Strength is clearly superior to that of an enemy previously faced in the manga. The overwhelming presence of the two pirates was recently portrayed in a ONE PIECE artwork by a fan. Currently, readers are wondering how the protagonists can defeat the formidable opponents. In the most recent chapter of Eiichiro Oda’s work, the members of worst generation have shown that they have numerous aces up their sleeves by implementing a plan that made it happen separate big mom von Kaido thus facilitates the fight against the two.

The tactic began when Kidd created one through his strength Scrap cube within which Law managed to transport Zeus. Killer then hit Napoleon Zoro repeatedly began slicing Prometheus to keep him from gathering again. After Big Mom’s three housewives got engaged, the captain of the Pirates of Kidd was able to take advantage of magnetism against the woman by sending her into the air, and later she started thanks to the intervention of Law, who struck her with a stone falls from the island towards the sea, apparently without any possibility of salvation.

What do you think of this plan? Do you think that the protagonists managed to defeat the powerful empress? Please let us know by leaving us a comment.

Finally, remember that the new chapter of ONE PIECE seems to have ushered in a fight between ninja.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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