Yoko Taro has created one of the most intriguing and iconic projects of recent years. Platinum Games’ efforts managed to reinvigorate the world of Nier, resulting in the creation of the acclaimed Nier Automata, which still survives today thanks to sequels, spin-offs, and other projects. Actually theAnime by Nier Automata.
But is the anime fun for those who couldn’t play the video game? According to some very important recent statements, the answer is yes. As a matter of fact The Nier Automata anime will not follow the video game and its story will be original. This is confirmed by Yoko Taro himself, who stated the following: “The title of the anime has the suffix ‘Ver.1.1a’ because the title NieR: Automata is a story created as a game, so copy it as it is is. that wouldn’t make it interesting for an anime. So I came up with the idea of ββchanging things.β
That Director Ryoji Masuyama seemed reluctant to changeto meet the expectations of fans of the original Platinum Games video game, but it seemed that the rest of the staff wanted to avoid the changes. So an internal debate arose: βThe original creator tried to destroy the original storyand the anime staff were keen to stop him…this debate has been a back-and-forth for a long time.”
It is unknown how big the changes to the Nier Automata story will be, but from 2023 everything will be discovered. In the meantime, you can restore the Nier Automata trailers.