With the arrival of the internet and the use of original language works, fans wondered if their country had got the dubbed version of a movie or anime right. Because of this, Youtube is now full of videos showing certain scenes with voices in multiple languages. The phenomenon didn't spare Naruto: Shippuden.

As you know, at the end of the first series, Naruto lost the battle with Sasuke in Epilog Valley. Sasuke withdrew from the village and we didn't see him again until Naruto's second story arc: Shippuden, when he was an adult Naruto Uzumaki infiltrated Orochimaru's hiding place to try to save his friend. Except that Sasuke had changed in the meantime and was not thinking about scruples against Konoha's ex-partner.

During this scene from Naruto: Shippuden, in the original Naruto shouted "Sasuke!" ask his friend for explanations and these seconds were used to compare synchronization in the different languages. Below is a tweet that obviously takes the Naruto scene in Japanese and compares it to the English, German, French, Mexican, Spanish, and even Italian dubbing. It jumps to your ear right away as our local version doesn't mention the name Sasuke at all. What do you think of this finding?

Do not miss the extraordinary cosplay by Sasuke i Hollymolly, which is always part of the Uchiha theme. One fan instead decided to recall another scene from Naruto: Shippuden, with Maito Gai peaking.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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