There are numerous Pokéstores in Japan’s largest and most important cities, but sometimes there are surprises off the beaten path for the famous pocket creatures. As you know, in the land of the rising sun there is the fashion of dedicating chutes to the most famous anime characters and there is no shortage of it Pokémon.

THE Pokéfuta, as they are called in Japanese, they are now also ending up in a new prefecture in Fukushima. The Poké Ambassador for the region will be Chansey, the Pokémon often used for healing in Pokémon Centers. With this intervention, we wish the best of luck to the area that was hit by several catastrophes in 2011: The Japanese name Chansey is “Rakki”, a Japanese pronunciation for good luck.

They are installed well Nine man holes dedicated to the Pokémon Chansey in different parts of the prefecture as you can see on the map below. If the miniatures in the picture are not enough for you, we invite you to look at the pictures of the ornate manholes at the source. Chansey is accompanied by several Pokémon in this adventure like Ponyta, Heracross, Stantler and many others. The first manholes have already been placed, while the next will arrive from September. One more stop to set up the Japanese itinerary if you are a Pokémon lover.

Shafts with the theme Ken the Warrior were recently positioned in Nagano.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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