The famous work of Masashi Kishimoto It is famous for the numerous and original fighting techniques of the protagonists. In addition to the Naruto fan art that focuses on the Kirin used by Sasuke, we recommend this fun video by John Boyega.

Find the video linked at the bottom of the news. The film opens with Grace, the sister of the famous Star Wars actor, who is out to drink from a cup on which the most attentive will notice the writing dedicated to her attack on the Titans, one of the most successful anime in recent years. At some point, John enters the scene and asks his sister if she has used up his juice. Given her affirmative answer, Finn’s interpreter decides to confront her, also using the Chidori seen in the Naruto episodes while Grace relies on the flames that envelop her body.

There is also a clip of in the short video Naruto soundtrack, one of John Boyega’s favorite series. In the comments on the video, the actor justified himself by blaming the numerous anime they saw during the quarantine, even though fans welcomed the short film and asked John Boyega to film more. We are waiting for other posts and we recommend this cosplay dedicated to a Naruto character.

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Avatar: The Last Juice Drinker (we’ve seen too much quarantined anime 🀣)

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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