Despite Naruto long over, the saga continues on the print and television fronts in the spin-off sequel titled Boruto, Son of the Seventh Hokage. Even though Kishimoto’s work is finished, his little gem continues to attract the interest of large companies.

The ninja epic Jump has indeed collaborated with famous brands like Adidas and Coach, the latter together with Michael B. Jordan. However, in the last few hours, it was a hugely popular brand’s turn to sign a new collaboration with Masashi Kishimoto’s masterpiece. Jordan.

Through a joint communication between the company and Zion Williamson, NBA basketball player for the New Orleans Pelican, the two sides have announced that they have reached a special collaboration agreement with the Naruto saga. For now, both have avoided making any advances about the content of this partnership, but it’s reasonable to expect something related to the world of fashion and clothing. Of course we will keep you informed until there is more news about this ambitious collaboration.

And you instead, what do you think of the agreement between Jordan and Naruto? As usual, please let us know by leaving a comment in the appropriate box below.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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