Fans of My Hero Academia they meet every week to follow the exciting developments of the conflict between heroes and villains, the latter led by a Shigaraki more fit than ever. It is possible, however, that we will have to wait longer than expected to read the next chapter.

In fact, the MangaPlus website, in the section related to the work of Koehi Horikoshi, reports a postponement of the release date of chapter 278 to 18 Julyexactly in two weeks. Originally the publication was scheduled for July 12, since the last chapter did not announce any pause by the author.

Precisely for this reason there is no official confirmation, at the time of writing, of a postponement of the next chapter of My Hero Academia. The date on Shueisha’s application could be the result of an error, unless the author only requested a break in the last few hours.

A stop is not so unlikely, given the frantic pace at which the manga has been traveling lately. The author is aware that the management of this saga is crucial for the future of the mangatherefore it is not difficult to imagine that he wants to take a little more time to realize the next events.

Tomorrow’s day will be fundamental to understand the truthfulness of the communication on MangaPlus, which eventually will be proven through a post by Weekly Shonen Jump.

Koehi Horikoshi celebrated the release of volume 27 of My Hero Academia with a new sketch of the heroine Miruko. What are the five most powerful Quirks in the world of My Hero Academia? We tried to summarize them in a special.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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