My hero academy is Kohei Horikoshi's manga, published in Weekly Shonen Jump since 2014. Set in a world where most people have developed superpowers known as Quirks, the story follows the story of a boy named Izuku Midoriya who dreams of becoming a hero despite not having a Quirk.
The series has become incredibly popular due to its gripping story, well-developed characters, and epic action scenes. Horikoshi has created a wide range of characters, each with their own unique abilities and personalities, and has developed a storyline that engages and interests readers and viewers.
In addition to writing and drawing the series, Horikoshi is also known for his detailed drawing style and color illustrations, as well as a large Twitter presence. However, these are all attentions lately got the My Hero Academia mangaka in trouble. Also due to the stressful pace of drawing that Japanese writers have to endure, Horikoshi has been taking many breaks lately.
This has fans very concerned that after the last announcement that called for a sudden two-week release freeze, They took to Twitter to give their opinion. Also thanks to a hashtag of support, all My Hero Academia fans went out to support the mangaka and asked him to rest while someone was angry about the living conditions of the mangakas being forced to unsustainable rhythms to support the industry . Unsurprisingly, someone was hoping My Hero Academia would go on hiatus for three months like Black Clover did in 2022.
Below are some support and support tweets Respond to My Hero Academia pause message. One can only hope that Horikoshi can recover in these days of calm and complete the manga in the best possible way.
This makes me throw up. 😔 Horikoshi is far too young to risk his health in this way. The man needs a break.
— WatermelonSoupStudio (@WatermelonSoup) March 11, 2023
Horikoshi must do what Tabata did and take a (at least) two-month break.
— Ethan Kane (@Ethan_C_Kane) March 8, 2023
I know there are many factors at play, but physical and mental health should always come first.
Making manga is not an easy task, mangakas are still human.
—LuckyChi7|LADY NAGANT MHA QUEEN| Ani Manga Analyst (@7LuckyChi) March 12, 2023
Kohei Horikoshi needs all the rest he can to regain his strength and energy. We will wait as long as possible for the next chapter! ❤️ 🩹
As the saying goes: Health comes before work 😁 #MyHeroAcademia #KoheiHorikoshi
I've never been more comfortable with rushing a series than with MHA. The pacing issue is one thing, but I really fear Horikoshi will end up in the ER with all the delays and health concerns.
— Lew (@strongest_human) March 12, 2023
The manga industry seems inhumane.
This alone is Horikoshi's third abrupt break in this arc... Perhaps he should take longer breaks. Health always comes first. Pray for his recovery. 🙏
— p (@iidakm) March 10, 2023
— Ash (..º‿º..)♡ #bkdkapology (@bunniezuku) March 10, 2023
If I understand correctly, this is the hashtag to support Horikoshi and ask Shounen Jump to take care of his health and give him a break and a healthier schedule. I fully support it and hope they reply. ❤️❤️
Horikoshi sensei has been trending nationally for 3 hours (highest 20th in main trending?) in Japan since mha official acc tweeted about his health.
— been (@been_beenmaigto) March 10, 2023
Many fans quote the line "The worst thing is that we lost Sensei" from #277 by Deku to ask Shonen to jump so Hori can rest. #堀越先生
I hope Horikoshi-sensei is doing well... We know he's been feeling bad lately.
— Chibi Reviews (@ChibiReviews) March 12, 2023