The beginning of October was marked by the arrival of one of the most anticipated anime productions of the year on Crunchyroll, the sixth season of My hero academy. After a brief recap of recent events, Episode 6×01 brought viewers back to the side of the heroes as the shadow of the inevitable conflict with the villains advances.

When they were students of the Yuei, Shota Aizawa and Hizashi Yamada They spent a lot of time with their mate, Oboro Shirakumo. Unfortunately during his internship Shirakumo He was killed by a villain, only to be found years later by All For One and turned into a nomu by Doctor Kyudai Garaki, individuals genetically altered to contain more than one Quirk.

Kurogiri, the Nomu created by Shirakumo, is now in the service of the Paranormal Liberation Front and is very close to the leader, Tomura Shigaraki. However, Garaki’s inhumane deeds are avenged by Aizawa and Yamada, the so-called Pro Heroes Eraser and Present Mic. The two heroes can be seen in the images at the bottom of the page, extrapolated from the first episode of the new season fights with All For One’s allied doctor.

In the final moments of the episode, even Mirko and other heroes seem ready to demonstrate how dangerous they can be when driven by grudges. And what do you think of this revenge of Aizawa and Yamada? Tell us in the comments. Finally, we leave you the preview of episode 6×02, which arrives on Crunchyroll on Sunday October 9th, 2022.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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