The Wounds of the protagonists of My Hero Academia You won’t heal quickly. Despite its official conclusion on the battlefield, the battle between heroes and villains is not over yet and is actually preparing to become national. A real war that is waged in every Japanese city.

Still those Chapter 306 of My Hero Academia leads us to a completely unexpected scenario, considering that the story in previous editions focused on the One for All. Best Jean is focused. The former hero tells the two that because of his delicacy, he will explain everything to him in a different place.

Then after a few days a press conference starts, at which I The top three are attacked by the press. Endeavor claims that everything that has been said about him is the truth, but still decides to keep fighting and take out the bad guys, and so does Hawks and Best Jeanist. While society continues to collapse, another cold shower has come for the protagonists since then Deku reveals through letters that he has the one for all to his classmates. However, he also reveals that he has to leave the Yuei because he is being hunted by All for One and has decided not to endanger everyone.

The My Hero Academia protagonist is leaving school and the training he has been doing so much while the last page takes us into an unexpected leap in time. After a few weeks, in April, a sad Deku in heroic clothing observes a city while a huge villain destroys it. This is where the title of My Hero Academia 306 “The Beginning of the End” is revealed. That way, the story becomes the final act.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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