Much of the last chapter of My hero academia focused on the Todoroki family's past, as Enji has always been hugely ambitious, to the point of wanting to start a family unit with Rei in order to have quirky children able to overcome the power of All Might , a hero they always felt inferior to.

That goal has profound marked the childhood and first years of life of the firstborn Toya Todoroki, who managed to break the hearts of readers in the chapter "The Wrong Way to Start a Fire - Part 1". After all, on these pages Horikoshi has answered many of the questions that have been raised within the community in recent months and that have awaited his connection with the Todoroki since Dabi's first appearance.

The chapter states that Toya was actually born with a quirk more powerful than that of his father Enji, but that his body has only inherited the ability to withstand very low temperatures, Rei's ability to automatically expose itself to part of his strength. Enji himself tries to dissuade his son from a career as a hero, although Toya tries in every way Improve its character and ignore the damage this does to its bodybecause at all costs he wants to help his father achieve his ultimate goal.

Toya is later shocked about the birth of her younger brother Shoto, able to perfectly manage the two powers inherited from his parentsThis makes his quirk practically unusable. Toya's insecurity and instability arise in an argument with Enji in which the child claims that he cannot understand the ambition to become a hero of his companions, as exemplified by Endeavor, great hero but capable father hurt his son to the point of making him one of the most dangerous bad guys for all of society.

Recall that the Todoroki brothers met on an official sketch, and we leave the predictions in chapter 302 of My Hero Academia to you.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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