Since its first appearance in August 1975 Moon knight He's always been different from the other Marvel superheroes, anti-hero in every way, and helped add a bit of extravagance to the universe of American comics.

Thanks to his skills, which the Egyptian deity Khonshu received, Moon Knight proves to be an incredible character, as we could read in volume 34 of the Avengers series. In the volume in question, the two characters above go to Las Vegas, to the Hotel Inferno, to try Thwart Mephisto's plans.

Moon Knight manages to "defeat" Mephisto thanks to the mighty hammer of the god of thunder, but as Khonshu reminds him It is impossible to eliminate the evil that resides in the villainand they will surely review it in another form or version of themselves. Immediately after the transfer of Mephisto, Khonshu takes over the tragic situation in which Moon Knight finds himself, who has effectively betrayed the other avengers and has drawn Mjolnir to him.

But the message does not end here, because it is shown to us with a two-week jump in time A Manhattan that differs from the usual and is called New Thebes City, where modern architecture and Egyptian style come together, as you can see in the sumptuous table at the bottom of the page. As Moon Knight reminds us, Khonshu can shape the world thanks to his powers. The Avengers must fix this sudden change in the city and, above all, deal with it Moon Knight, who seems to have become much more powerful than it already was.

Remember that Marvel Comics presented the Dark Ages event and that a special Spider-Man-Funko-Pop was announced.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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