Via the Twitter account for the anime adaptation of the manga, written and illustrated by Koyoharu Gotouge, Kimetsu no yaibaa new trailer for the film was revealed Kimetsu no Yaiba: Mugen Ressha hen. In this short film, you’ll see more of the scenes that were featured in the hit feature film.
【公開 中 PV 第 2 弾 解禁!】
中 賛 上映 中 の 『劇場版「 鬼 滅 の 刃 」無限 列車 編』 中 中 中 PV 第 2▼ 公開 中 PV 第 2 弾
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– @ 滅 の 刃 @ (@kimetsu_off) December 20, 2020
The feature film opened in Japanese cinemas in Japan on October 16 and is a direct sequel to the events of the anime, with the “Infinity Train Arc” being adapted from the original manga.
Koyoharu Gotouge published the manga in the magazine Weekly shonen jump from the publisher Shueisha between February 2016 and May 2020.
Synopsis of Kimetsu no Yaiba: Mugen Ressha-hen
Tanjirou Kamado and his friends from the Demon Hunter Corps accompany the Kyoujurou Rengoku Pillar of Fire on a mission to investigate a series of disappearances that occur on a train. Little do they know that Enmu, one of the members of the Twelve Demon Moons, is also on board and has set a trap for them.
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