Various media in Japan confirmed that the popular manga series was written and illustrated by Negi Haruba, Gotoubun no Hanayomehas more than 14 million copies in circulation, collected in its 14 published compilation volumes.
For his part, Haruba published the manga in the magazine Weekly Shonen Magazine from the publisher Kodansha between August 2017 and February 2020. The publisher put the work together in a total of fourteen volumes and began reprinting the work in color directly in volume format in April 2020, the ninth being planned for December 18.
The piece inspired a twelve-episode anime adaptation produced by the studios. Tezuka Productions, Headed by Satoshi Kuwabara and published in January 2019. A second season is produced by Bibury animation studios and will premiere in January 2021.
Synopsis of Gotoubun no Hanayome
One day the poor student Fuutarou Uesugi gets a job as a tutor with excellent pay. An excellent opportunity to make money, isn’t it? Well, it turns out that your tutor is your classmate! And he will teach not only her but also her four sisters! Yes! They are quintuplets!
They are all beautiful, but unlike the way they look, their attitudes are completely different. Can Fuutarou get the nakano quintuplets successfully graduated from high school? Are you going to fall in love with any of them?
Source: Animate
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