A leak from a renowned Japanese leaker revealed that the anime adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Shou Aimoto, Kemono Jihen, to be released in 2021. The leak also revealed four new cast members:
- Daisuke Ono like Mihai.
- Yumiri Hanamori like Kon.
- Kana Hanazawa like Inari.
- Hiro Shimono like Nobimaru.
Aimoto publishes the manga in the magazine Jump SQ from the publisher Shueisha since December 2016. The publisher has published nine compilation volumes to date.
Cast of voices
- Natsumi Fujiwara like Kabane Kusaka.
- Junichi Suwabe like Kokachi Inugami.
- Ayumu Murase like Akira.
- Natsuki Hanae like Shiki Tademaru.
Production team
- Masaya Fujimori is in charge of directing the anime in the studios Ajia-do Animation Works.
- Noboru Kimura is in charge of the composition of the series and the writing of the scripts.
- Nozomi Tachibana is in charge of character design.
Kemono Jihen Synopsis
When a series of animal bodies rotting in a single night begins to appear in a remote mountain town, Inugami, a Tokyo detective who specializes in the occult, begins his investigation.
While working on the case, she befriends a boy who works in the fields instead of attending school. Rejected by his peers and nicknamed "Dorota-bou" by a yokai who lives on earth, he helps Inugami solve the mystery behind the deaths, but supernatural forces are present there, and the nickname "Dorota-bou" might not be so wrong ...
Source: Ryokutya
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