On the official site for the animated adaptation of light novels by Rui Tsukiyo and illustrated by Shiokonbu, Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi ((Repeat the healer) revealed the images shipped to various distributors as a reserve benefit of the Blu-ray / DVD volumes.
The series has been broadcast in Japan since January 13th and has been confirmed with a total of twelve episodes Sentai Filmworks responsible for its distribution. Most of the stations in Japan only broadcast a censored version AT-X will print the explicit version. For his part, Tsukiyo began publishing the novels through the website Shousetsuka ni Narou in December 2016.
Production team
- Takuya Asaoka ((Senran Kagura Shinovi master) is responsible for directing the anime in the studios TNK.
- Kazuyuki Fudeyasu ((Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou, Tensei Shitara slime Datta Ken) is responsible for writing and monitoring the scripts.
- Junji go ((High School DxD, Senran Kagura Shinovi master) is responsible for the character design.
- Minami Kuribayashi plays the opening theme titled “Zankoku na Yume to Nemure (Dream of a Cruel Dream)” while the band ARCANA PROJECT lists the concluding topic entitled βYume de Sekai wo Kaeru nara (If You Could Change the World in a Dream)β.
Synopsis of Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi
“Healing wizards cannot fight alone.” Keare, always haunted by this logic, was repeatedly exploited by others. But one day he noticed what was beyond healing magic and was convinced that healing wizards are the strongest class of all. When he discovered this potential, however, it was too late. So he decides to go back four years to rebuild his life. This is the heroic story of the healing sorcerer who became the strongest warrior using the knowledge of his past life and healing magic.
Source: official page
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